Sunday, October 21, 2012

My first motorcycle ride of the year

Slept til 7 them made biscuits and gravy. Denny and I headed to Arthur by 8:30 and were at the Storm Lake Free church in time for the service. The front table had such a pretty arrangement on it. Then we headed to Okobogi. We ate at O'Ferrel sisters. Strange meal. The gal said to start with pie, so I ordered Raisin cream. Denny got an omelet and I got a pancake. I should have just shared Denny's omelet. I couldn't eat all of the pancake. Then we rode around lake home, and walked by the lake by Arnold's Park. ON the way home through Spencer, I got a pair of gray pants. We drove through Linn Grove, but Ben and Becca weren't home from Ames, yet. It was a great day to ride the Harley. A little chilly this am... but by the time we got home it was 75 and wonderful. Talked to Molly, girls are stilled battling health stuff. So hard to see kids not feeling good. Need to keep them in our prayers.

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