Thursday, October 25, 2012

We ate supper out in the coop

I walked a couple laps in the gym from 7:55-8:05, not fast but Ii listened to my pandora and walked. Denny had a hard time getting up this am. We started to fix meat loaf and parsley potatoes in Independent living. After school I went to visit a family about tardiness and projects that are due tomorrow. Hard to visit, and hard not to visit. We had Trader Joe's Briscut for supper. It was really good. We ate out in the coop. Then Denny watched the Grands and Missy helped me with finding research articles for my last paper for student teaching. I'm not sure exactly what I am doing. Denny is on the computer, and I am about ready to head to bed. Another day. Thank you Jesus. Pictures from Luke and Karen's wedding Snapshots with the little ones. They are so dear to our hearts. Thank you kids for having such sweet Grands.

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