Thursday, February 28, 2013

It felt like 3 strikes

Sanity and 50% insanity. Before school I visited with a teacher with questions on attendance and grades of a student. Then I got a phone call from Kansas where a student (who was in IG in 2011) came in yesterday and wanted to go to classes. In first hour my student worked well fo 20 minutes and then walked out. That was the start of a long 8 hour day. One student got a headache and couldn't go to the next activity.... Just a long day. At 3:30 things picked up as the Grands came to visit while Missy and Phillip had an appointment. I met a homeschooler and mom at rec center and got my Iron Man orange t shirt. Home for a nap and to fix hamburger and corn for supper. Just want to go to bed... and so I am in bed typing at 7 pm. Pictures are of Mik >

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Another full day Awana Store

Sanity and Insanity 60%. I dropped Denny off at Arthur so he could use the bank car. Two students came and left school early. Another gal left early. I helped a student write as assignment only to find out later the paper was suppose to be two pages, not the paragraph we worked on. UFFTA!! I left to meet a home schooler at 3:45. Then I checked my messages and found out that time didn't work for them. UFFTA!! I went back to school for a while. Called and made a home school visit before Awana. Julie had gotten some awesome store items. Awana games are March 9 .... I had thought they were later and I would be able to go. It is Lenora's 100 birthday in Burr Oak that weekend. UFFTA!!! Can't do everything.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Always stuff to do...

Sanity and 50% insanity. I am doing a little more, a little bit at a time. I didn't have my first hour student because of a court date. I stayed up and finished an IEP tonight. Pictures are of last night and stuff Denny, Missy and Phillip were looking through. Dad had hand written books of lineages of Angus cattle. Pretty interesting. Lots of old clippings, pictures, etc. Grands played nicely while we looked. Matt, Luke and Mandy called last night to wish me happy birthday. Haley called today to say HB and Diane called tonight.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pie and praise at 6:30

Slow start this am. Sanity and then watched a little insanity. Donuts before church. After church we had quick corn chowder and garlic bread. That's the meal planned for independent living class tomorrow. I need to go to IG to get the cottage cheese for the clown faces they are making to eat with the soup and garlic bread. We took naps in afternoon, so tired, not good to stay up later than usual on the weekends. Pictures are of Quizzing kiddos.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Lazy Saturday

I spent part of the morning in the bright sun room looking at seed catalogues. Denny took a washer to Arthur and unloaded it and got his wallet that he left at the bank. Gary came about 10:30. They went to IG to sign some papers and brought back subs for lunch. It was great to hear about Gary's family. Then the guys went to the folks and took some more things to Good will. I played Old Maid with the Jensens after naps. Phillip was working with Omar in the fodder shed. Pictures are of families that came to the Quizzing. It was fun to see the three Lindgren kids watching their daughter/niece Elle. Reed was the van driver. Darren drove a van load of kids up. The Henderson girls rode up in the van, but Lisa and Alan came up to watch later.

Friday, February 22, 2013

2 hour late start, No wait no school

Sanity and then low level insanity. Maybe some day I will work up to doing the workout harder. I was kinda disappointed when school got canceled for today. I don't think it was that bad. I spent most of the morning putting pictures on the blog. also looked at my check book. The awana quizzing is still on. I went to town at 4, got a few groceries, and met the van at Subway. We took 16 girls and 1 guy. They all came home with ribbons. We ate at McD's first, then to Morningside church. Great night the kids did awesome.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Perhaps first day ... ever ... of early out because of snow.. with no snow

Sanity and slow motion insanity. Denny had an early meeting, so he was off and running before 6:45. I left for school earlier than usual. Time to visit with gen ed teacher, Yes, my student has an F. What support can we give him?? That is the question of the hour. The big coming snow storm has the school humming ... Will we get out early? No, there is no snow falling. It is not expected until after 3, but we are letting school out at 1. Got to get those kids and buses home before a flake falls. It is fine with me. Picture os of St. Joseph Real snow. The rest of us are just wearing rose colored glasses (THAT ARE HEART SHAPED) :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday ... no snow yet

Sanity and walked through insanity. One student gone today.. English student wiped off tables in lunch room for class, but stayed til 1:30. Will that count as attending an English class? I had an IEP at 3. It went okay. I headed home and took a half hour nap. Then to Awana. I brought 2 Grands in to Arthur. So blessed to have Kara leading the group that is quizzing. Julie gave a great slide show for counsel time. What a great example of so many around me that serve the Lord whole heartedly. Phillip had 7 youth out today after school. Praise the Lord and may these young men come to know and serve Jesus. Pictures are of Anabel's birthday. src="" /> .

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Home at 3:30 this am

Short night... really short morning ... home at 3:30 and to school by 7:30. Regular day. Three students gone. One has a project due on Thursday that I don't know if he has begun to work on. Pictures are of the deck, chilling in the living room, and the beach. .

Monday, February 18, 2013

Relaxing day as we get ready to reluctantly head home.

Up at 7 Denny fixed sausage, coffee and eggs, and Bruce fixed toast. Hendersons left to go work out. We walked the park and then went to the airport to get our boarding passes printed. Then back to clean and make sandwiches for the trip. We fixed salad, corn casserole and Bruce grilled Italian Sausage and shrimp for olunch. Spent a little time on the deck and playing chicken/railroad dominoes. They let us off at the airport at 4. It sounds like our flight is a little late. We made it to Houston just fine... but at Houston it was raining and so our flight didn't take off until 11:00. Got to Omaha after 1. Now drivng home. Great day in the Valley, but now we are out of the Valley :( Great time Pictures are of the deck, the dock, and the airport when we left. Thanks, Gail and Bruce for the great time!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Relaxing Sunday

Left for Port Isabel Church at 7:45. Then out to eat at Big Donkey. I had Dirty Al's eggs and shrimp. We walked around a outdoor market and got rings for Grands and Awana kids. Naps back at the trailer. Gail and Bruce went to a going away party for someone in the park. We started to cut up vegetables for supper. We invited Mary Gene over to visit. After she left we played Wits and Wagers with Gail and Bruce. Denny marinated pork loin to grill for supper. Good supper then watch TV and chill. Pictures are of myself and Kay, Denny helping Wayne move tables for dance and random people at Four Seasons.