Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Sanity and insanity. After school I walked the trail with Vicki and Cathy. When I got back to my car ... my keys were in the car and the keys I had attached to my sweat suit ... were that school keys. UFFTA!!! Missy was kind enough to bring the extra set of keys to me at the school. Then I headed to Denison. Denny had driven the repo pickup to the Denison bank. We got a quick sandwich at MCD and then home quickly by 7:00 to have a phone conference call with siblings. When we got home we found out the phone call was changed to 7:30.Marilyn's birthday May 9 Pictures from Ben and Becca's weeding 11 2003 and pictures of my lunch bunch. href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjs-t1x9KRuxnHXwjpvp-rprgXmOe31uQElQFjnaMn9Wh_w2FsiHH06imNFK2lHviJcbH9Ra7gZQaEY43kz2Hricbdr4GLzAzMfvN7_BLPZ5Qm4V0rYP0ZbsTUJNHfg_Wd9Py6kmHVZhQ/s1600/2013+05+06+002a.jpg" imageanchor="1" >

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