Sunday, May 26, 2013

Rainy, Rainy Rainy Mom and Dad's anniversary

Sanity. Math book. Donuts before church. After church we went to IG and Denny got Round up for weeds at unit. Then picked up 3 pizza that we ordered on line for $10 each. Becky and 3 Grands stopped by for lunch and a visit before heading back to St. Joe. Naps and relax in the afternoon. So thankful that Becky and kids stopped for lunch here. Denny and I got pizzas. Missy and I ordered them on line … for $10 a pizza … during "visit time" in church, because we just found out that the Mo. Johnsons were coming to the farm. We ate out lunch in the coop and cousins played while Kane took a nap … and it rained and rained and rained. Becky left about 4. She said she drove out of the rain south of Denison. Boys had a measurement to see who was taller. Nothing really conclusive. First Evan looked taller, the next time Torren looked taller. Watched Net flick Hunger Games.

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