Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sad day ... Miss Mom and Anabel so much. Glad day ... Love my kids, husband and family

Sanity and out to ... see the frost on the grass ... and my flowers on the deck turned brown because of frost. This is May 12 and it is not suppose to happen. Those poor little seedlings didn't have a chance. Tell me never to start seeds again. But every spring I get the fever and sant to waste seeds by putting them in dirt. So sad, they never make it. Hopefully the dahlias roots will send up more shoots. Denny and I were in the nursery for church. Pretty cute kids. LOts of pretty cute kids. Then to Carroll to meet Hendersons. Great Chinese food. and a quick stop at a flower shop where I spent Drug money from Mandy. Calls from all the kids. Jensens did the trail with bikes and jogging. I am so blessed to have had a great mom and mother in law. And I am so blessed to have great kids. Love them all so much ... Plus my great husband.

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