Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Off to Madison

Sanity and got packed to drive to Wisconsin. Anabel and I left for Madison at 7:50 and got there about 1:51. Long car ride. Stopped once for gas and RR, once to fix seat belt, Drive through at Mc. Donalds. Anabel was a trooper. She colored, sang, we played a rhyming game and Names that start with ..., ate carrots, and sorted M&Ms, sorted Smarties, ate a sucker and looked at books. Good to get there. kWe worked in the basement a little. Anabel didn't think it would ever be clean. Justine came over and about 6 we left for an Ultimate Frisbee game where Kevin played. Todd was suppose to play too, but no. We went to eat after the game. Justine helped Anabel throw the frisbee.

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