Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Diane and Jay's anniversary

Happy anniversary Diane and Jay!! Nice lazy day. I am reacquainting myself with math this summer. So many things I don’t remember … didn’t learn … and so I am going through a math book. 580 pages. It will take me a long time, but I need to at least know some things that the resource students might be studying. How embarrassing not to know what stem and leaf charts, or box and whiskers are and I do get mixed up on least common factor, greatest common multiple. As I write this Anabel is running barefoot to visit with me. Blond hair flying, and aqua pants tucked up so they don't get too muddy. She has news that her dad got a snapping turtle on the road and it is in the back of the truck. I heard that the IG Pizza Hut is an island today. We have had so much rain. Guess the road between Battle Creek and IG is closed too because there is water over the road. At noon I made sandwiches and we went to the cemetery. We sat on the grass and ate. It was a time just to be thankful for our parents and all they mean to us. We are so fortunate. It just feels like a space is gone from our lives that will never be replaced. I am so thankful for the promise of heaven, but it doesn’t heal the ache in our hearts because they are no longer with us.

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