It was a beautiful morning. There were many things to keep busy with, but nothing that I had to accomplish before the ceremony. Beth wanted a pennant from Julie L. put on her bridal bouquet. Aarika started taking pictures about 7. Around 6 am Amy, Beth, Laura and Caleb put clothes, wooden slabs and small flower vases on the tables. During the service Sandy and Joe ran the sound system from the sun flowers. Mark, Alan's brother did a great job on the ceremony. It was about 80 degrees during the service. As the couple was dismissing and greeting rows the temp dropped and the sky in the north west became dark. Beth and Jacob told the rest of the rows to go to the tent and they would talk to them under the tent. No rain came. The temp dropped. It was very comfortable for the rest of the morning. As everyone visited people explored our farm area the park, the flowers, the coop. Children played on the trampolines, the swings, the zip lines, and carpet ball. The brunch that Jacob's aunt Lori fixed was amazing. Egg bake, French toast, cut up fruit salad, OJ and apple juice, and coffee. Beth had made a 4 tier coffee cake wedding cake spread with cream cheese frosting that she and Jacob cut before everyone got their coffee/wedding cake. It was a wonderful morning. I have decided that If I ever played any type of team sport and could choose my team mates ... I would always pick Susan H. to be on my team. She is amazing!!! Anything that needs to be done or cleaned up ... she is there. AND she was there when most had left the party ... cleaning up and doing anything that needed to be done. The place really looked great when everyone left, almost everything was put away and cleaned.

Mark left about 3 and we headed to a very important party.
Jack's birthday party in Cherokee!!!
Red, White, and TWO!!!
Red, white and DUE.
Celebrating the upcoming arrival of Number 2.
Matt, Becky, Kane, and Haley were at Kingsley for the weekend riding horses and they came to Mandy's. There were lots of family, friends, co workers, and food. A friend had let Mandy use their jump houses. It was fun to sit and visit. We got home about 10.