Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Love my Minn. Grands

It was a fun, slow am with Rose waking up at 9 and the rest of us staying in bed until she got up.  We ate, walked to the park, took showers, had a photo op with Max, and headed to the hospital to see Lincoln and parents.  My heart is full with gratitude and praise to God.   Before we left to head home I got to hold an open eyed Lincoln who reminded me so much of his daddy as a newborn.  Blessed.
We left Minneapolis about 3 and got home about 7:45.  I worked on editing and deleting some of the 1000 or so pictures I took in the last 24 hours.  Then I worked on the last 5 days off my blogs.  Uffta!!  It's hard to remember all the fun things I've done this last week.

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