Sunday, July 21, 2019

Church in the tent at Prairie Whole Farm

Lovely overcast morning.  I had tried to figure out where I wanted to serve the coffee cake and beverages as I lay in bed, not sleeping.  SO I set up tables under the maple tree: one for food and one for drinks.  My problem was that I revealed my intent to Denny before he had his coffee and sufficiently woke up.  The use of the golf cart was not needed to put out the coffeecake.  Uffta!!!  Jaci served the food and Kathi kept the coffee/ juice ready.  Mandy, Jason, Jack, John, Jan,  and Laughlin's came from Cherokee for church.  Reed drove the van from church and gave people a ride from Arthur.  It was a good time of praise, worship, and fellowship.   After the service everyone helped put the chairs on a rack, take down tables and load on a trailer to take back to church.   Matt gave the kids  fun rides on the golf cart.  Frank, Jenny, Becky, and Haley came with the horse trailer after Jenny got done giving the message at the Kingsley church.  Gary and Kim came about 1.  Denny fried some of the bacon from Chicago and I put out leftovers for lunch: egg bake,  baked beans, cauliflower salad, potato salad, fruit salad, pasta salad, banana muffins, brownies, chips,  When everyone left about 4, I lay down and took a nap, Denny loaded the dishwasher, and left for yoga at 5.  I woke up at 5:30.  At night we chilled.  

Missy, Anabel, Kari and Hannah went on a one night trek before starting 6th grade. 

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