Monday, July 22, 2019

Lincoln Tyler Johnson is here!!!!!

July 22, 2019  Lincoln Tyler Johnson 

It was good just to stay home this am.  I kept busy just doing the next thing of putting away things I had gotten out for the wedding.  I moved all the white pots with sunflowers to the hydrant and watered them.  I put the rugs from the RR area to the cement to spray them off.  I took the little table away in the shed.  I planted morning glories by the lp tank and put the vines from the cupola in a basket.  I folded up tables and put them away.  I took out trash.  I moved chairs back to where they belong.  I washed the table clothes, napkins, dishes, and towels.  I picked some flowers to put into the cooler.  Denny vacuumed the airbnb and upstairs.  We showered, ate a lunch of leftover salads and headed north, even though we had not gotten a call.  We left about 1:30 and were about an hour south of Minneapolis when we got the picture telling us about Lincoln's arrival.  Now Denny hates to drive in traffic and so instead of going to Luke's apartment we went to the hospital and waited in the cafeteria until we could go up to see the baby.  Pete and Carol were watching Rose at the apartment.  
What a precious baby boy!  We spent almost two hours with the baby and family and Goldsmith's.  Rose was amazed as she looked around the room that there was one nana, a bumpa, a nana, and a bumpa.  After precious time with Lincoln we took Rose home and put her to bed, much later than her usual bed time.  Rose slept in her "special visiter bedroom", the closet in her parent's bedroom.   The vicious black cat was up to his regular attitude concerning me.  Snarling, hissing and one half a step away from attacking.  

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