Monday, July 15, 2019

Jack Day 7/15

It was tempting to stay in bed this am, but I went to abs/bikes.  Then to Cherokee.  It was another great day!!!  Jack is a nice boy.  We played outside and inside.  Bike and helmet.  When he doesn't want to wear the helmet I remove the bike from him and put it up.  This does not make him happy, but then he changes his mind and puts the helmet on, so I take the bike down.  In the workout shed he moved thru the tumbling mats that became a house.  We went shopping in G'ma's car to get groceries.    Back for lunch, nap and now it is past 4 and I am thinking I should get Jack up.  We got up and played in the blue pool.  At home Terry G. came to weed the flower beds and edge them.  Alan H. came to make a frame for the entry doors.

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