Thursday, July 18, 2019

Full Day Fun with flowers

I went to the rec center for AM mix.  At home I did something.  (As I write this it is almost a week later and I'm just not really sure what I did.)  Denny cleaned the airbnb for the wedding this weekend.    I did go to study at Ginny's from 2-4.  Teresa brought 35 wooden slabs that Bob had cut for Bethany's table centerpieces.  As I drove home I stopped at the visitation for Mike P.  At 7 the praise team came out to practice.  It really sounds good.  I was overwhelmed with putting together 90 vases for the tables and wondered who I could call to help.  Bethany was out of town for the night.  Laura wondered if she could help, but I didn't feel like driving in to get her ... and wasn't sure how she could help put flowers in the vases.  God brought Rachel to mind, and when I talked to her she said Amelia was available. and I was SO thankful for Amelia's help.  Uffta!! I know I would have been bummed out if I was doing the flower work alone.   Thank you, Jesus!!!  Denny was busy mowing and doing last minute sign putting up, etc. Full Day.

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