Sunday, May 30, 2021


After devo I went out in my robe and picked white Minnesota Snowball branches, deep purple iris and some deep rose blooms for a bouquet of flowers.  We took them and the 2 trader joe mums to church.  Rainy day.  I went to bed to warm up after church.  

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Wonderful Saturday

 Up and devo.   Good coffee.  Started outside, but too wet to mow.  I potted the 2 New Guinie plants from Bomgaars and planted the hydrangia plant from Luke and Karen next to the patio.  We mowed about 11.  Airbnb came about 12.  After mowing we worked on bunk house, insulation installation, as Nancy titled it appropriately. 


Ordered a sandwich from a popular deli over the phone the other night. 

The friendly voice picked up the line... “What can I get you, friend?” 


Seldom, if ever- will a guy taking your order over the phone call you friend. 

But he just did. 

“Corned beef on rye- with Munster, sir!” I replied. 

“See you in 10 minutes my friend...” he concluded before I hung up. 


There was that word again. 


Seems like more and more these days - fewer people are working at restaurants. 

Even fewer - seem to be cheerful about it. 

Help wanted signs are everywhere. 

Some places tell customers to “Stay patient. We’re short staffed.” 

It’s hard to get people to serve a general public that doesn’t tip sometimes, doesn’t say “thanks” sometimes... and rarely asks, “Hey, how are you?” 

Maybe that’s what made this guy’s friendly voice - and his general enthusiasm... stand out. 

It peaked my interest. 


A quick 5 minute ride from the station - brought me to the sandwich shop. 

And there he was-  behind the counter prepping orders... 

“Hi friend!” he shouted over his shoulder as I walked in... 

“Are you Greg?”

“That’s me...” 

“Ok- Just finishing up here...”

I soon discovered he was a loyal viewer of our station... 

“You work at WIS...” 

“I do!” 

It led to a conversation about work... life... and 


The guy behind the counter recently lost his Dad, Andy Shlon...the namesake of this sandwich shop- “Andy’s Deli” in Columbia. 

A loss... that really can’t be measured. 

Andy was so much more than a sandwich shop owner in Columbia. 

Andy was friend to everybody. 

Andy never met a stranger. 

Clearly- that friendly spirit lives on in his son Andy... the guy who took my order. 

On the counter- a box of old photos of Dad, just waiting to be organized... 

“I’ll get to that soon... lots of memories.” 

It will soon be 6 months since his Dad’s passing. 

“I’m so sorry...” I said. 

“It’s a process...” he replied with a half smile, holding back tears looking out toward the parking lot. 


Sitting in the restaurant... was his Mom. 90 plus years old, cane in lap- just waiting for her son to finish the day. It was near closing time. 

I had planned on taking the order to go, but something told me to stay. 

“I know you’re about to close in 20 minutes- but do you mind if I eat here with y’all... seeing as we’re... friends?” I said with a smile.

Mom laughed and said - “Sure! We got no place to be!” 

The guy behind the counter, smiled right back- 

“Go right ahead.... but wait. Here’s a root beer on the house.”

“You’re too kind - thank you.” I said. 

“And... “ he smiled.

“Here’s some gum to go.” 

He threw a few pieces of Super Bubble - bubble gum in the paper bag with the sandwich. 

A friendly gesture...from a new friend.

A guy who is grieving... but giving so much: 

Working thru the storm... with a smile. 

Even if he’s crying on the inside. 

It was as though God whispered to my heart... 

“This is how healing can happen.” ♥️

Friday, May 28, 2021

Friday ... what will it bring??

Up for devo, start dishwasher, pick up house.  At 9 I went to play pickleball.  I was so happy Sue K. texted my this am and invited me to play.  Craig, Marilyn K. and Pam L. played also.  I thought it was really fun.  I stopped at Dose and bought a yellow quilt for the yellow room.  When I got home Denny was  cleaning the bathtub.  He had cleaned the floors.  We scraped the old caulk out and Denny put in new.  We started to put insulation in the bunk house.  We started in an area that required a lot of measuring and cutting small pieces and putting them up.  So happy to get started on it.  We stopped about 6:30.  I went to pick some flowers and put in the cooler.  After showers we watched Chosen.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Rainy day at home

 Up for quiet time, devo and Mandy.  I wonder what today will bring.  The mama cat has moved her kittens twice.  Once out of the box after Cook boys were watching them from a distance.  Again after I found them in a 5 gallon bucket by ladders.  We mowed after that and the mowers around that area probably disturbed the family.  I wonder where they are now???  I sanded a little in the bunk house and at 1 Denny had a haircut.  At 1:30 I went to study, on the way the tire was low on air and so I took it to Carlyle Tire and Denny gave me a ride to study.  Ladies at study were Teresa, Susan, Ginny, Linda, Sharon, Laura Eloise and me.  After study Susan gave me a ride to get the Prius.  Denny grilled steaks for supper.  At 8:30 I couldn't get on the FaceTime call on the desk top, but I did manage to use my phone to get on the call.  Nice, day.   I hate to wake Denny to see if he could get the Lifestyle call, And I should not have done that.  Uffda!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


 Up and headed to Omaha by 8.  We had quite a full  day shopping.  First to Trader Joes, then to Home Depot, then to Airport to pick up Laura who was flying in from a visit to California.  I gave Kathy a call from the airport.  We stopped and ate Mexican in Denison before getting home about 9:30.  

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

OGT and golf

 Denny was not feeling well this am.  When I got up he was lying on the sofa in the sunroom.  I left for OGT and he said he didn't get awake until Missy called about 10.  He finished washing the pickup and went to town for some medication for his root canal next week and gas for the lawn mowers.  I went to the golf corse after OGT and played a round of golf with Shirley H. and MaeBelle P at 1.  At home we were both bushed.   He grilled some burgers for supper and went to bed after eating.  I straightened around the house and started a couple of loads of wash.  When I saw Joann today outside of the grocery store she said Carol's surgery had gone well.  It didn't get over until 9, but it was a success.  Thank you, Jesus.  Matt and family went to Sarah's wedding in St. Jo this weekend.  Good friends. 

Monday, May 24, 2021

Keenage golf for us oldies

Up, Devos, and 6:30 listen to Mandy.  I started researching redoing old wooden floors.  At 9 I left for spring Lake/ Sac County Golf course.   I played golf with Judy T., Jan  and Mary Ellen.  It was a nice morning.   It keeps me playing when I have some good shots mixed in with the bad and ugly.  We shot a 43 which, of course, ended up on the bottom of the first flight, not in the money:)  At home we mowed and then had supper of leftover smoked pork and party potatoes.  

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Lunch at the park

 I was really groggy this am.  Denny was up with the boys eating eggs and playing with toys.  We went to SS and church.  There was a cupcake and candy reception for Elise and Olivia.  After church we met Mandy at the Holstein park.  She had gotten Hardees for us to eat at the park.  The boys had a good time playing.  After we got home I sat in the sun, the airbnb couple came, and I listened to the book, Not a Fan on Libby.  I DO like this library app.   I went out to straighten the CSA barn and start the sprinkler.  When our airbnbers came back from Schleswig we gave them a tour of buildings and visited on the patio.   Another fun day.   

A little Cook day

 I ws up before the boys, who got up around 7:15.  We snuggled and waved from the sunroom at Jehan as she checked out of our airbnb.  What a treat to snuggle with those boys.  I filled little silver cups with coco puffs and they snacked and snuggled.  Denny got up and we got ready and played outside until noon.  Naps after lunch and Boy did I nap!  Denny cleaned the basement. 

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Friday May 21 Happy birthday, Denny!!!

Happy birthday, Denny!!!  I love living life with you!!!!

 I cleaned the kitchen before Denny got up.  It was needed and Denny likes a clean floor.  Mandy's van was ready in SC and so Jason and Mandy got the  van there and then Mandy came to the farm with the boys.  They got here around 10, we played outside.  Denny kept track of his smoking pork butt.  The boys took long naps, Mandy worked on lifestyle 28 and I weeded some in the garden.  Jason got here around 6. It was a fun meal, eating outside with family for the first time this season.  After the boys were in bed we had cake and ice cream in the bunkhouse.  Kinda a nice place to dream.  Denny said that "71" sounds/feels a LOT older that 70. 


Thursday, May 20, 2021

Life ... Thank you, Jesus

I read this this morning and it made me think because it’s exactly how it is while you’re waiting for the Lord to call your loved one home. 🙏💞🙏💞🙏💞.
“The fleeting moments that separate heaven and earth. The place where the pain of this world meets the glory of eternity above. The place of finally being Home.
Maryann L. died last year on this day. I'm sure being in her presence in the last days were a sacred place. It was a sacred place when Mandy and I were on each side of the bed that morning when Anabel, seeing Jesus, breathed her last breath. In the days and minutes prior, her breaths were shallow and slow, her spirit was worn and weary. That morning it was a place of the most holy, a sacred place.

This is the sacred place of the in between.
The place where breaths are shallow and slow, and the spirit is worn and weary. When the fight has been fought and the race almost finished. The place where they lay and wait for their name to be called.
This is the sacred place of the in between.
The place hair is stroked and hands gently held. Hands that have rocked babies and hugged grown children, that have serve lemonade on a hot day and played checkers (or parcheesi) on a cold winter night. Hands held for the very last time.
This is the sacred place of the in between.
The place where hymns are sung and memories linger on like their presence in the room. Laughs come through tears, and silent sobs replace the words we try to say. But we can't find the words, can we? Because how do you fit a life's worth of memories into a few sentences?
This is the sacred place of the in between.
The place where heaven meets earth, the moments we wait for and dread all at once. The minutes we want to pass quickly, yet hang onto for dear life. 
This is the when the sacred place of the in between becomes the place of the most holy. The moment they see Jesus and it takes their breath away.” (Posted by From Blacktop to Dirt Road) 

Up for Devo and coffee.  Denny and I moved slowly this am, but all in all we accomplished a lot today!!!  Denny got the winding stairway done in the bunkhouse.  IT/HE is SO amazing!!!    We learned a lot about stringers.  We made 3 of them for the staircase.  (And he learned about fishing and stringers of fish in Texas.)   When we got done we chilled in the upstairs.    


After bunkhouse we mowed the lawn.  I made kettle bread to go with ham for supper.  

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Thankful for Today

 Becky had her surgery on there broken wrist.  It sound like the surgery went well.  

More is done on the steps in the bunk house.  YESS!!!!  We did math and more math and more math.  We cut the floor of the second floor and measured and figured and measured and figured and measured.  The stringer has been measured and cut.  The header was nailed up.  The temporary wood was put on the steps.    we held up the stringer a few times and figured out what to do next.  About 3 we headed south to the Kiron Lumber and got wood for the steps.  We then headed to Manning ... BUT we got a text that said the dishwasher had been sold.  WHO DOES THAT????  The seller had known that we were striving to come down there at 5:30.  And sold it this morning .... and Texted us to say it had been sold this am......  Well, thanks.  At home we grilled hamburgers, picked and cooked asparagus.  And visited with Jehan.  It was a nice visit.    

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

One step closer ....

I was up and headed to OGT before Denny was out of bed.  Lord, be with the sweet little lost gal of Summer as she helped at OGT.   I stopped at Malcolms and got some sandpaper and plants.  They looked so pretty!   At home Denny was getting ready for one more step.  And so we did slowly add more steps to the winding staircase to the upper level of the bunk house.  Next is the toughest part, Lord, grant us wisdom.  Hopefully tomorrow.  Denny is watering the grass/seed/fertilizer /weed killer down by the creek.   Tomorrow we plant to head to Manning to look at a dishwasher on Crawford county market place.  Another great day!!

Monday, May 17, 2021

Keenage golfing

 Devo and coffee.   I picked up Julie at 9:15.   It was hazy and sweatshirt weather …. Actually 3sweat shits for me.   We drove past the acreage that Amy and Caleb are considering.   Then to Gehling green house.  Julie bought a pretty gardenia tree and red .  We got to the Breda golf course a little late, but not too late.  Julie snd I played with Denise and Sandy from Storm Lake.  Happily I shot a 49.  We visited quite a while after the lunch snd awards. Before we left Breada we stopped at little cluttered diner filled with stuff I would burn.   When I got home Denny was working on the stairs in the bunkhouse.  The phone company man to review for better hookup.   Julie came to pick up a sweatshirt and bring the sander.  After she left Denny did some more stabilizing.  I fixed pizza and then went to the show,”The girl who believed in Miracles”.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Good News Out to measure.

 SS and church.  I am blessed by the young gals in the SS group.  Lord, continue to guide each one as they love and serve their families and You.  When we got home we measured the bunk house for insulation/wiring/ hopes and dreams.  I went to bed to work on pic art and Denny went to eh you  tube on the computer to lookup wiring information.