Tuesday, May 25, 2021

OGT and golf

 Denny was not feeling well this am.  When I got up he was lying on the sofa in the sunroom.  I left for OGT and he said he didn't get awake until Missy called about 10.  He finished washing the pickup and went to town for some medication for his root canal next week and gas for the lawn mowers.  I went to the golf corse after OGT and played a round of golf with Shirley H. and MaeBelle P at 1.  At home we were both bushed.   He grilled some burgers for supper and went to bed after eating.  I straightened around the house and started a couple of loads of wash.  When I saw Joann today outside of the grocery store she said Carol's surgery had gone well.  It didn't get over until 9, but it was a success.  Thank you, Jesus.  Matt and family went to Sarah's wedding in St. Jo this weekend.  Good friends. 

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