Saturday, May 22, 2021

Friday May 21 Happy birthday, Denny!!!

Happy birthday, Denny!!!  I love living life with you!!!!

 I cleaned the kitchen before Denny got up.  It was needed and Denny likes a clean floor.  Mandy's van was ready in SC and so Jason and Mandy got the  van there and then Mandy came to the farm with the boys.  They got here around 10, we played outside.  Denny kept track of his smoking pork butt.  The boys took long naps, Mandy worked on lifestyle 28 and I weeded some in the garden.  Jason got here around 6. It was a fun meal, eating outside with family for the first time this season.  After the boys were in bed we had cake and ice cream in the bunkhouse.  Kinda a nice place to dream.  Denny said that "71" sounds/feels a LOT older that 70. 


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