Thursday, May 20, 2021

Life ... Thank you, Jesus

I read this this morning and it made me think because it’s exactly how it is while you’re waiting for the Lord to call your loved one home. 🙏💞🙏💞🙏💞.
“The fleeting moments that separate heaven and earth. The place where the pain of this world meets the glory of eternity above. The place of finally being Home.
Maryann L. died last year on this day. I'm sure being in her presence in the last days were a sacred place. It was a sacred place when Mandy and I were on each side of the bed that morning when Anabel, seeing Jesus, breathed her last breath. In the days and minutes prior, her breaths were shallow and slow, her spirit was worn and weary. That morning it was a place of the most holy, a sacred place.

This is the sacred place of the in between.
The place where breaths are shallow and slow, and the spirit is worn and weary. When the fight has been fought and the race almost finished. The place where they lay and wait for their name to be called.
This is the sacred place of the in between.
The place hair is stroked and hands gently held. Hands that have rocked babies and hugged grown children, that have serve lemonade on a hot day and played checkers (or parcheesi) on a cold winter night. Hands held for the very last time.
This is the sacred place of the in between.
The place where hymns are sung and memories linger on like their presence in the room. Laughs come through tears, and silent sobs replace the words we try to say. But we can't find the words, can we? Because how do you fit a life's worth of memories into a few sentences?
This is the sacred place of the in between.
The place where heaven meets earth, the moments we wait for and dread all at once. The minutes we want to pass quickly, yet hang onto for dear life. 
This is the when the sacred place of the in between becomes the place of the most holy. The moment they see Jesus and it takes their breath away.” (Posted by From Blacktop to Dirt Road) 

Up for Devo and coffee.  Denny and I moved slowly this am, but all in all we accomplished a lot today!!!  Denny got the winding stairway done in the bunkhouse.  IT/HE is SO amazing!!!    We learned a lot about stringers.  We made 3 of them for the staircase.  (And he learned about fishing and stringers of fish in Texas.)   When we got done we chilled in the upstairs.    


After bunkhouse we mowed the lawn.  I made kettle bread to go with ham for supper.  

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