Sunday, May 9, 2021

Such a happy mothers' day!!

 Actually for me it was almost a happy mothers week.  Monday with Cook boys and Kane joining us.  Tuesday and Wednesday with the Z Johnsons.  Thursday and Friday nights with the E Johnson.  Saturday leave Luke and Sunday I got a phone call from Nepal family and met Cooks in Galva for lunch.  At home we napped and Denny worked at the computer paying license fees and looking up what went wrong with the pickup.  I got phone calls from Luke and Matt.  All in all a very good week.  Sunday school class the the ladies was SO nice.  Visiting and prayer time.  Jason is feeling better finally after his wisdom teeth extraction 2 weeks ago.  Becky is feeling a little better after hurting her wrist.  LORD, GRANT WISDOM as Doctors look at her injury and they decide what to do about planned trip to visit Jenny's sister in S. Carolina.   Wonderful day/week!!

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