Friday, May 28, 2021

Friday ... what will it bring??

Up for devo, start dishwasher, pick up house.  At 9 I went to play pickleball.  I was so happy Sue K. texted my this am and invited me to play.  Craig, Marilyn K. and Pam L. played also.  I thought it was really fun.  I stopped at Dose and bought a yellow quilt for the yellow room.  When I got home Denny was  cleaning the bathtub.  He had cleaned the floors.  We scraped the old caulk out and Denny put in new.  We started to put insulation in the bunk house.  We started in an area that required a lot of measuring and cutting small pieces and putting them up.  So happy to get started on it.  We stopped about 6:30.  I went to pick some flowers and put in the cooler.  After showers we watched Chosen.

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