Saturday, May 29, 2021

Wonderful Saturday

 Up and devo.   Good coffee.  Started outside, but too wet to mow.  I potted the 2 New Guinie plants from Bomgaars and planted the hydrangia plant from Luke and Karen next to the patio.  We mowed about 11.  Airbnb came about 12.  After mowing we worked on bunk house, insulation installation, as Nancy titled it appropriately. 


Ordered a sandwich from a popular deli over the phone the other night. 

The friendly voice picked up the line... “What can I get you, friend?” 


Seldom, if ever- will a guy taking your order over the phone call you friend. 

But he just did. 

“Corned beef on rye- with Munster, sir!” I replied. 

“See you in 10 minutes my friend...” he concluded before I hung up. 


There was that word again. 


Seems like more and more these days - fewer people are working at restaurants. 

Even fewer - seem to be cheerful about it. 

Help wanted signs are everywhere. 

Some places tell customers to “Stay patient. We’re short staffed.” 

It’s hard to get people to serve a general public that doesn’t tip sometimes, doesn’t say “thanks” sometimes... and rarely asks, “Hey, how are you?” 

Maybe that’s what made this guy’s friendly voice - and his general enthusiasm... stand out. 

It peaked my interest. 


A quick 5 minute ride from the station - brought me to the sandwich shop. 

And there he was-  behind the counter prepping orders... 

“Hi friend!” he shouted over his shoulder as I walked in... 

“Are you Greg?”

“That’s me...” 

“Ok- Just finishing up here...”

I soon discovered he was a loyal viewer of our station... 

“You work at WIS...” 

“I do!” 

It led to a conversation about work... life... and 


The guy behind the counter recently lost his Dad, Andy Shlon...the namesake of this sandwich shop- “Andy’s Deli” in Columbia. 

A loss... that really can’t be measured. 

Andy was so much more than a sandwich shop owner in Columbia. 

Andy was friend to everybody. 

Andy never met a stranger. 

Clearly- that friendly spirit lives on in his son Andy... the guy who took my order. 

On the counter- a box of old photos of Dad, just waiting to be organized... 

“I’ll get to that soon... lots of memories.” 

It will soon be 6 months since his Dad’s passing. 

“I’m so sorry...” I said. 

“It’s a process...” he replied with a half smile, holding back tears looking out toward the parking lot. 


Sitting in the restaurant... was his Mom. 90 plus years old, cane in lap- just waiting for her son to finish the day. It was near closing time. 

I had planned on taking the order to go, but something told me to stay. 

“I know you’re about to close in 20 minutes- but do you mind if I eat here with y’all... seeing as we’re... friends?” I said with a smile.

Mom laughed and said - “Sure! We got no place to be!” 

The guy behind the counter, smiled right back- 

“Go right ahead.... but wait. Here’s a root beer on the house.”

“You’re too kind - thank you.” I said. 

“And... “ he smiled.

“Here’s some gum to go.” 

He threw a few pieces of Super Bubble - bubble gum in the paper bag with the sandwich. 

A friendly gesture...from a new friend.

A guy who is grieving... but giving so much: 

Working thru the storm... with a smile. 

Even if he’s crying on the inside. 

It was as though God whispered to my heart... 

“This is how healing can happen.” ♥️

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