Saturday, May 1, 2021

Home in the afternoon.

Wonderful slow morning.   I had a sister call at 7 and a family call at 9.  It was so good to visit with all.   About 11 we went to IG and got gas for the lawnmower, etc.  In the tune of $145 for the red 5 gallon containers and $ 30 for the pickup... Guess we are pretty gassy!!!!  At home Denny washed the pick up and  I sprayed off the deck and the patio.  I did very little or nothing the rest of the afternoon.  It was a beautiful afternoon.  I saw a poem Bill B. posted about life and added pictures to it.   I sent it to him and Sandy.  So many sweet memories.  Thank you, Jesus.  Denny grilled steaks for supper with asparagus soup.  Denny went to bed and the airbnb-ers came about 10:30.  


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