Thursday, May 13, 2021

Home and study

It is almost 9:30 am.  I should get to doing something.  I've been up since 5 am just sitting, reading, and doing not much of anything.  I did get a second bunkhouse book ordered.  Only 65% off not 75%, but it is done and ordered.  I went outside and planted lisianthus, hopefully they will make it.  I always remember that Phillip said that plants are pretty forgiving.  Hurrah!! Denny planted his vegetable garden.  I watered some plants that I put in the ground, like 210 lisianthus.   I went to study at 1:30, 9 gals were there.  At home Denny and I chilled by the creek and then grilled brats.  We went to bed pretty early and watched tv.  Such an exciting life.  

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