Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Amazing day!!

Slept in until 6.  Devo.   And to IG by 7:30 where I played pickle ball until 9.  I was so happy to see that Sharon had the painters add lines to the tennis courts to make 2 more pickleball courts.  I don't know how she got'erdone, but there they were.  Of course many comments how we can tell the difference when we are playing .... but I think if it is a bothersome ... you sit on the bench and wait until the "REAL" courts become available.  I went to OGT.   While there I was so happy that Nancy F. said she had a key to the Stage Coach Inn.  We went out there and I toured the house.  SO COOL!!!   I headed for SC after that.  I stopped and got a duvet cover at bed bath and beyond, then got a knife sharpener at Target.  Then to Crystal at Dunes dermatology.  She froze off one spot and lanced another spot only face.  I headed home.  Denny was smoking chicken.  I made fresh corn salad and he finished painting the garden shed.!!! HURRAH!!! The last on the list of "must do list".  Now for time in the bunk house.


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