Monday, August 23, 2021

Golf at Holstein

 My alarm went off little after 6.   I put then laundry from airbnb in the dryer.  I picked flowers to donate as a door prize.  I went to play pickle ball in IG from 8-8:40, then to Holstein.  I played with Sue S, Shirley and Maebelle.  MY, we didn't play well and Maebelle hurt herself on about the 3rd hole.  We ended up with 45, and that was a miracle.  But all in all it was so fun playing, the weather was warm, but with a slight breeze.  We were all playing poorly ... now that's a good??? thing.    I got home and we moved the sunroom tv to the basement, so it would have a remote and then we went out to mow.  John and family came to our airbnb.  After a shower I showed them around the back yard.  The Nakasawas came over for tacos with the Lees about 7.  We just got an email that Pete and Carol were in a car accident and she broke bones and is heading to Rochester for surgery.  We called and talked to L&K and we'll see if Karen can go to Rochester, then I can go to watch the kids.  Lord, you are in charge here.   Protect and give wisdom to those we love.  

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