Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Patio Prayer

It was an early start to the morning, going to Brittany's Patio for prayer time.  Yesterday Diane emailed me to share the sad news that Molly's husband Paul died.  It is so hard to comprehend.  Lord, be with the family. Carry them thru these deep waters.   I came home at 7 and started another load  in the dishwasher and then went to IG for pickleball.  There were 10 of us and I played until 10:50.  I got flower vases from Maebelle and some wallpaper paste at Malcolms.  At home Denny was picking up some of the bunk house tools.  I started another load of dishes and cut up the smoked pork.   We went out to the bunk house to see the wiring and wonder what to do next.  Lord, guide each step of Your plans for this building.  

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