Sunday, August 8, 2021


Dear sweet Tyler.  May God continue to bless you with a sweet disposition.  You light up people's lives with your cheery nature.   May your light shine bright for Jesus all your life. 

I left Bruces at dark thirty and got to Arthur at 8:45 where I took a nap until time for SS 9:05.  It was a nice drive, and the nap really felt good.  After church we met Cooks at home.  While the boys napped Mandy finished the Ninja Turtle cake.  Jan and Johns got the pizzas for supper and brought them to the farm.  Fun night.  Jack kept bringing Tyler birthday presents to open ... and helping Tyler open them.  Both boys loved to watch G'pas videos of the helicopter and Darwins red drag racing car.  They were glued to the tv screen.  After boys were in bed Cooks left and we get 11 nights with Jack and Tyler while the adult Cooks go to Hawaii for 2 weeks.  Should be a fun time for all.  


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