Thursday, June 30, 2022

Study at my home

 Our airbnbers were interested in Kim L's pottery and so I texted her and took them over and they bought 3 mugs and a baking dish.  Before they left we picked flowers for them to take with them.  Then Denny and I started putting the ceiling in the bunkhouse kitchen.  Uffda!!!  It was a tough job.  That beadboard is too heavy to be held up with brads,  It had to be screwed into the ceiling beams.  The saws and saw horses are in the machine shed and so we took a LOT of walks to and from.  Bible study from 130-3:30.  Rhonda, Susan, Sharon and Laura came.  When they left we went back to work on bunkhouse.  After we quit about 5 we rocked and talked on the porch.   I put together 2 flower bouquets.  One is for Questor fund raiser and is red, white and blue.  One bouquet uses Cyclone colors from Cooks yard.  Another great day.  It is SO hard to get bunkhouse ceiling done.  


Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Cherokee visit

 I went to Patio Prayer at Larsons and left from there for Cherokee.  On the way I stopped at Holstein to  buy a market place white garden bench.  We played outside and made a mulberry run.  Then we went to Casey's for donuts before swimming lessons.   I saw a market place that a guy in Aurelia had an 8 foot table for sale, after messaging him I went up and got a table.  Naps in the afternoon and then we played in the pool.  Ono the way home I stopped at BC and watched Stella play ball.  They lost, but still so fun to be at that wonderful field.  Thank you Jesus!!

Monday, June 27, 2022

Golf with Keen

 I went to play pickleball at 7:45 with Dave, his sister Carol and Kara.  Then to Spring Lake for golf.  I played with Jan L , Mary Ellen, and Jan C.  NO ONE could chip and approach.  Still ended up with a  41 ' cause Mary Ellen was putting well.  I went to Thistle down and bought $40 with of plants: 4 tropical, baby breath and basil.  At home Denny was cleaning floors.  We mowed the lawn.  The Grass hopper stopped and so Denny spent the rest of the night loading the mower one the trailer.  We watered flowers and veggie gardens.  

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Happy anniversary to Missy and Phillip!


I woke up and listened to DAB.  The house was pretty quiet until about 7.  Mandy and Jason fixed pancakes and sausage for breakfast.  Matt and Becky headed home about 9.  After they left we went to the creek and had a little creek church, geared to 2-5 year olds.  Thee are still 3 goldfish alive.  Before the Cooks and E Johnsons left I picked flowers for them and they tried the biplane that Luke had fixed.  My heart is filled with gratitude to God for all that He has blessed us with.  


Saturday, June 25, 2022

Fun at the farm

I got up,  Matt and Becky were fixing egg casserole for breakfast.  It worked out well to eat out on the patio.   It was a slow wonderful morning watching kids play, rocking, talking, eating.  Mandy sent out a picture and invited Stacy and Daren from Cherokee and they came to visit.  Luke and Karen were in charge of lunch.... a taste test of about 12 different chips and make your own wrap.  YUM!  About 5 Pete and Carol, Jan and John, and Frank and Jenny came for bbqed brisket that Denny smoked and it was wonderful.  I heated up Iowa corn, boiled asparagus, Matt grilled some asparagus for me, and we had fruit.    Sweet Jack had gone out and picked asparagus.  He wanted me to come and pick with him.  As we picked he just chatted about the asparagus that he picked with his mom.  SO CUTE!!!  Mandy bought an ice cream cake.  After supper the 4 summer birthday grandsons opened gifts.   Then Haley and TJ ran the rope for a piñata.  The four youngest boys had fun hitting it.  SO MANY WONDERFUL MEMORIES.  Thanks to my kids.  Nearly perfect .....just missing (SO very much)...  the Jensens.  #trusttheLordinallthings

Friday, June 24, 2022

AND here they come.....

 I headed to Arthur about 7:45 with flowers and then I went to Doses.  I played PB until 9:45.  Then went home, painted the Bunk house step, showered, and went to help serve at the widows luncheon.  There were about 100 ladies and they liked the flowers I brought.  I headed home to finish getting ready.  Around 6 Luke, Karen, Rose, Lincoln, Becky and Kane got to the farm.  Luke had an idea that it would be fun to put goldfish in the creek, so he stopped in Spencer.  Luke and Karen are sleeping in the bunkhouse.  Kane and TJ are in the granary cabin.  Mandy and family came in their RV about 6:30.Matt, Haley and TJ got to the farm about 11.  It is SO good to have family home.  We visited on the patio before heading to bed.  Rose is in Luke's room, Lincoln is in computer room, Jack is in Laundry room and Tyler is in our closet.  Full, fun house.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Prime, paint, move stuff in

I was up and priming the walls of the big room in the bunk house.   Denny went to OG to take Keelie to the vet.  Keelie has lost 2 1/2 pounds since last year, but heart and everything else looks healthy.   I picked flowers for widow's luncheon.  At 1:30 Sharon, Susan, Teresa, Mary Kay, Laura, Rhonda came for Bible study.  Mary Kay stayed afterwards and we put together 18 vases of flowers for the widows lunch tomorrow.  Denny wanted the eating tables on the patio.  We moved the patio sitting area close to the garage and set up 3 long tables for eating with 20 chairs around them.  I think we are pretty ready for the family farm weekend.  Thank you Jesus!


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Omaha ball What fun!!

I went in to play pickleball until 9:30 when I went to pick up Laura and take her to Avoca where Stephen would take her to her dad's place to get a 5 generation picture.  Gail met me at Avoca  and we went to surprise niece Susan at the ball game that Jason was playing in.  Mike was the first base coach for 11 under 13 year olds.  Surprise to us ..... Betsy was in Omaha also.   She stopped by Jason's game and we all were surprised. What fun!!! Jason's team won in 3 innings. Laura's dad brought her to the ball field where we were.  Laura is going to a blind conference and she spent most of riding hours listening in preparation.  We got home about 6.  Denny had fixed supper and so I ate before taking Laura home.  Amazing Day!!!  Jensens are in Thailand for after school year relaxing ... except for Missy who is taking 3 graduate classes on-line for administration.  Classwork for each class is 20 hours a week, so Missy is hoping to work 3-4 days a week; one subject each day.  Renae's encouragement was "C's get degrees" (so don't stress the grades, just pass with a C. )

Tuesday, June 21, 2022


I headed to IG about 7:30.  There was a loaded trailer at OGT.  Afterwards I visited with Beth.   Then I headed to Malcolms to get new paint for bunkhouse big room.  When I got home we started to mow the lawn.   Denny had worked all morning on taping and mudding the drywall.  We were tuckered, but not to tired to sit and watch the sprinkler on Denny's vegetable garden.  :) 

Monday, June 20, 2022

Keen agers golf.

 I  stopped at Thistledown before going to Sac City golf course at 9:30.  I bought about40 plants.  Some, just what Denny wanted basil and onions.  Played golf withRenae, vickie and Jan was my partner.  We won $6 by shooting a 41.  Low score.  I got a piñata at Storm Lake and took Mandy some Topo chico.  

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Happy Father's Day!!

 I fixed coffee for Denny.  He got a nice long phone call from Nepal.   We ended up with the Grands having breakfast in the bunkhouse.  We left about 10 for Jackson Minnesota.  I fed kids mac and cheese, strawberries, chips, and granola bars on the way.  Karen and Luke came from Duluth and we met about 1:30.  Kids played in an empty splash pad.  After we left there we went to Cherokee, just to say hi and bye.  Long car ride today.  Lotsa driving for tired father.  Happy Father's day to all.