Saturday, June 25, 2022

Fun at the farm

I got up,  Matt and Becky were fixing egg casserole for breakfast.  It worked out well to eat out on the patio.   It was a slow wonderful morning watching kids play, rocking, talking, eating.  Mandy sent out a picture and invited Stacy and Daren from Cherokee and they came to visit.  Luke and Karen were in charge of lunch.... a taste test of about 12 different chips and make your own wrap.  YUM!  About 5 Pete and Carol, Jan and John, and Frank and Jenny came for bbqed brisket that Denny smoked and it was wonderful.  I heated up Iowa corn, boiled asparagus, Matt grilled some asparagus for me, and we had fruit.    Sweet Jack had gone out and picked asparagus.  He wanted me to come and pick with him.  As we picked he just chatted about the asparagus that he picked with his mom.  SO CUTE!!!  Mandy bought an ice cream cake.  After supper the 4 summer birthday grandsons opened gifts.   Then Haley and TJ ran the rope for a piñata.  The four youngest boys had fun hitting it.  SO MANY WONDERFUL MEMORIES.  Thanks to my kids.  Nearly perfect .....just missing (SO very much)...  the Jensens.  #trusttheLordinallthings

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