Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Omaha ball What fun!!

I went in to play pickleball until 9:30 when I went to pick up Laura and take her to Avoca where Stephen would take her to her dad's place to get a 5 generation picture.  Gail met me at Avoca  and we went to surprise niece Susan at the ball game that Jason was playing in.  Mike was the first base coach for 11 under 13 year olds.  Surprise to us ..... Betsy was in Omaha also.   She stopped by Jason's game and we all were surprised. What fun!!! Jason's team won in 3 innings. Laura's dad brought her to the ball field where we were.  Laura is going to a blind conference and she spent most of riding hours listening in preparation.  We got home about 6.  Denny had fixed supper and so I ate before taking Laura home.  Amazing Day!!!  Jensens are in Thailand for after school year relaxing ... except for Missy who is taking 3 graduate classes on-line for administration.  Classwork for each class is 20 hours a week, so Missy is hoping to work 3-4 days a week; one subject each day.  Renae's encouragement was "C's get degrees" (so don't stress the grades, just pass with a C. )

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