Thursday, June 30, 2022

Study at my home

 Our airbnbers were interested in Kim L's pottery and so I texted her and took them over and they bought 3 mugs and a baking dish.  Before they left we picked flowers for them to take with them.  Then Denny and I started putting the ceiling in the bunkhouse kitchen.  Uffda!!!  It was a tough job.  That beadboard is too heavy to be held up with brads,  It had to be screwed into the ceiling beams.  The saws and saw horses are in the machine shed and so we took a LOT of walks to and from.  Bible study from 130-3:30.  Rhonda, Susan, Sharon and Laura came.  When they left we went back to work on bunkhouse.  After we quit about 5 we rocked and talked on the porch.   I put together 2 flower bouquets.  One is for Questor fund raiser and is red, white and blue.  One bouquet uses Cyclone colors from Cooks yard.  Another great day.  It is SO hard to get bunkhouse ceiling done.  


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