Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Golf with Gail

 I got up for devo, pick asparagus for our airbnb, pick rhubarb, 10 bunches of 10 stalks and a small vases for a person in the nursing home.  I left for Harlan.  The course is north of Harlan.  I played with Gail, Cindy and Sharon.   They are LONG ball hitters, and some holes they were out driven by LONG LONG ball hitters from Harlan and Denison.    4 gal best ball and we had 3 teams of 4 gals;  Even with long ball hitters thee were 12 of us to hit and it took a while.  We shot a 32 the first 9 and 37 the second nine.  Ending up with a 69 and 4th place in first flight.  $15 rebate per girl for that score.  I stopped to vote before heading home.  Denny had been busy cleaning the pickup.  Nice long day.  

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