Monday, June 13, 2022


Well, it's Saturday and I am just starting to catch up on my blog.  I don't think i have ever been so far behind.  Let's see what we can remember.

I headed to IG at 7:45 to play pickleball until I left for golfing at Holstein.  I rode in a cart with Joan T. and Jan and Jane were in our foursome.   It was a beautiful morning and the course was amazingly green and well kept.  I shot a 47, helped immensely by a chip in on the hole where I got the prize for the closest chip shot.  From there I headed to Carroll to get the car serviced.  I got home about 5.  Denny had caulked the cracks in the bunkhouse.  It looks so good.   I am working on a shower curtain that uses the design from wall paper from the bunk house.  

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