Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Cherokee boys **** Haley graduates.

 Well, I couldn't sleep very well, so I got up for devo, cleaned the kitchen, etc.  I went to Brittany's but the patio prayer was moved to Kiron.  I went home and got coffee from the bunkhouse.  I stopped in Holstein to get 4 patio pillows from Marketplace.  Another fun day with the boys.  We went to Wellness center, I played PB for about an hour, boys played in glass court, colored pictures, got Casey' donuts, school playground, and New Leaf.  At home the boys' toy jeep wasn't working right, so they parked it.  Tyler lay down to take a nap.  Jack played in the living room while I napped.   Jan texted about 2 to say she and Addy we going to a park, so we met them.  We went to 2 parks, I headed home about 4:30 stopping at Horn to see Kasey in Hospice.  She has been a friend for almost 40 years.  She came out for oBible study with Rhoze, Dede, LaurieJ. Gail H.  She has battled cancer for many years.  What an example!!!  At home visited with the airbnb couple until it was 7 pm.  Haley's graduation was live streamed. Denny grilled steaks and we had salad.  It was SO good.   I finished reading a looooong book, Invisible Child by Andrea Elliot.    The steaks were amazing.  AND DID I SAY ... Denny finished the south wall dry walling AND put in the 5 wall lights AND put in the sink light.  The bunk house looks amazing.   I played with pics art with the vision of making a shower curtain for compost toilet area.  The pattern mimics that wall paper that was in the bunkhouse. 

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