Wednesday, June 15, 2022


I went to patio  prayer.  Joy texted me and asked if I would stop in to check on him.  I made some muffins and biscuits and gravy.  I stopped and he was getting better and appreciated the care package.  I went to play PB at 8.  Then at 10 I left for Kasey's funeral.  They had a lunch afterwards at the golf course.  On the way home I stopped at J&J and bought 2 bar stools that swiveled and a 1920's light fixture.  They should work well in the bunkhouse.  When I got home we mowed the yard.  Denny has been sweeping off the ceiling on the big room.   I swept and cleaned the floor and at night I put polyurethane on the floor.  Karen texted, she is bringing then Grands here until Sauday when Luke will be done with his G'ma's Marathon race.  Now that makes me happy!!  Nepali family got there vehicle.  The wisteria is blooming and I texted the Bergmans with some pictures I  uncovered when I looked in the photo albums.  

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