Saturday, June 11, 2022

Praise!!! four year cancer free for Shaun

I got up and had devo on the deck.  Then I walked about 1 3/4 miles before everyone got up.  Luke fixed breakfast for kids and Denny.  We walked down to Minnetonka lake.  It was a beautiful morning.  After lunch Rose had a doctor appointment to get ready for kindergarten.  We left for Matt's about 3pm.  Family was there ... Hirshmans and Johnsons.   


Cancer Anniversary!

It’s MRI time again.  Monday Sean is scheduled for one and we will see Dr AJ on Wednesday.  This month marks 4 years since he was diagnosed and given a year to 15 months to live! 
*I’ve been thinking a lot about all the things that have taken place since June 28, 2018 and wow, how our lives have change so very much!  Sean was never to return to work, I retired, we’ve traveled - alot, we sold our home 🏠 and moved to a townhome, we graduated our daughter from high school and gotten her married, Dylan graduated from seminary, we’ve traveled…..more, and now we plan to welcome our first grandchild in December (yes, Dylan and Regan are expecting).  God is good!  So many changes and so much fun and plenty to be thankful for!!!  We’ve had sadness and tragedy as well, Sean lost his sister Ranae, I lost my brother Dennis, we’ve lost GBM warriors/friends. Life is hard and it certainly doesn’t always go “our” way but He walks us through these things and I’m so grateful for that.  
*As I mentioned before we have done some traveling and we have a few more trips planned this summer and fall.   We visited Oahu in April and just returned from Alaska/Canada a bit ago.  We had a wonderful time and have seen so much beauty!   Very thankful to be able to do this.  We sold our camper as we decided it was too much work for Sean.  It really wore him out and so we are now building our Delta Sky Miles!  
*Please pray for a good scan!  So thankful that he has felt good lately and able to stay busy.  We’ve been attending a Livestrong class at the YMCA for cancer patients.  We have met some terrific folks battling and also been learning more about keeping our bodies healthy and strong.  
*Not much else to report until after the scan.  We are so very thankful to be on the verge of celebrating 🥳 four years since that dreadful day and diagnosis.  We are hoping for many more! 
*Thank you all for your continued prayers and support

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