Sunday, June 5, 2022

Sunday Funday

 Early for devo.   I stuck the remaining lilies in the ground and then took a shower. Kathy joined us for church and SS.  I really like my SS class.  After church we went to IG to show Kathy Meg's mural.  It looks so good.  We got the airbnb ready for our guest that came at 3, then we went to Prairie Pedlar to spend the afternoon.  It was so pretty there.  I bought a few plants.  Kathy bought amazing succulent planter.  Kathy loved the rhubarb we picked yesterday and before she left we got her 2 gallon bags off asparagus.  Naps in the late afternoon.  I watched women's  college world series.  My body hasn't hurt at all today, but I didn't do anything strenuous.  

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