Saturday, August 31, 2024

Up on top !!!

 We are up pretty high.  AND no, this is NOT the sunrise I saw.  It was foggy all the way around, but I was up for the fog.  Pretty place.  Missy and Phillip ordered room service coffee for me, too.  We ate breakfast, talked to Evan, Went to the hot tub and headed home about 1.  After stopping for some groceries, we got home about 24 hours after we had left.  It was an amazing fun trip even if we were in the clouds with no view of the mountains,  Picture of Brooks was from about 5 years ago when they came up here with Williamsons.  

Friday, August 30, 2024

Church, then Riding the cable cars.

Up and coffee with Missy and Rose.  After getting Coffee and Himalayan Java we walked the next 5-6 blocks to church.  We shopped at Dubeachi and I got 6 beautiful placemats and 2 pillow cases.  At home we chilled while Anabel and 2 friends had a Bible study and Brooks hung out with Timothy.  We left for the cable cars up the mountain about 3 and got there about 4:30, all checked in to our hotel.  So pretty.  I took a sister call before going to the hot tub and pool.  Wonderful Nepale buffet meal.  I tried allot of different foods.  Some, hot, some not.  I talked to Denny - usually every 12 hours. 



Post from Hofman family, Marty's wife. 

Comparison is the thief of joy. I didn't used to post my run screenshots because I was kinda embarrassed at my pace. Y'all, I live with a man Marty Hofmann who can run a whole marathon at a sub-8 pace! My ever-fastest recorded mile is 8:56. 😄 So, for a long time I felt kinda silly for even getting out there! 

But I learned that is, frankly, really stupid. I mean, I can miss out on gaining health and fitness, miss out on amazing sunrises, miss out on the dopamine rush, miss out on the strength and energy, miss out on the confidence- building, miss out on the outside time, miss out on the camaraderie with other runners, miss out on the fantastic toxin-cleansing sweat, miss out on the joy of really learning a place by running it, miss out on the time to think and pray, miss out on the opportunity to grow....alllll because I'm not as fast as someone else.  🤨        Maybe what you can do is walk a 37-minute mile. Do it!!!! Don't let what someone else can do take away the joy and benefits of what YOU can do. ❤        #RunYourOwnRace #getafterit

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Mountains are out !!!

I called Denny this am.  He was about ready to head to bed.  Full day  going thru stuff, trying to find directions for basement TV.  I stopped to get bananas for break time lunch.  After meeting with the 3 2nd grade students I walked next door and bought some Pakoda's for lunch.  I walked back to Civil Homes and then back to meet Rylee after school.   

Finished Book Categorizing

Up for devo and to have a phone call to Denny change to a call with Matt, then added Luke (and Karen, Rose and Lincoln) in ( Luke was trying to call Matt) Then added Becky in ( who was trying to call Matt).  So sweet.   What a great way to start my day!  Thanks Family!!  Kimberly asked me to be at the 8 am assembly to hear Worship Team.  Thanks, Kimberly!!!  Student support for 3 little first graders, work on books , read with 2 5th graders, lunch, meet with Secondary librarian at 2:20.  Nice day.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Happy Anniversary Joyce and Brad,


I got up and had devo outside, I visited with Denny after I got to school.  He said there were 70 homeschoolers at our home.  Nice bunch.  At school I worked with 3 small first graders and then worked on books.  I went to the pool with 2 classes and other assorted adults.  The water was So nice, but many chemicals.  I usually don't think I need googles, but it I swam in that pool I would definitely get googles.  After school I walk to the guest hose with Rylee and she gave me a tour.  At home I was by myself from 4-7.  Everyone has lives.  BB after school, workout, school meetings, study. Etc, etc.  Life,   Thank you , Jesus I can enjoy it.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

5 B again

 I was up and showered by 6.   Before breakfast I talked little to Denny.  He had a full day cleaning and getting ready for the home school group Tuesday night.  More than wipe off the tables ....   And the circular bar area is a stinker to clean with sap falling on it from the pine trees.  Thank you, Denny.  Missy put on an assembly for the Holy characteristic of God.  It brought me to tears seeing what God is doing in her life and the lives of others as she leads,  Humbling ....   Homeschool picnic at the farm at 6 pm.  

Sunday, August 25, 2024


Up for devo outside.   I got a What's app from Diane McN who is in Greenland.  I got a FaceTime garden tour from Denny about 5:30 am about  6:45 pm his time Sunday night.  it was the first day of school for Brooks and Missy.   When I got to school the 5th grade B teacher was sick and so I sat in her class as the TA lead the classes that day. Missy and I had student do movements to Holy, Holy, Holy, the Characteristic of God that she is going to talk about tomorrow morning.   I went with the 4th graders swimming at 1:00., but it started to thunder and lightening and so we went back to school.  

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Kicc church

 Talked to Denny then we went to church at KICC a multi cultural church about 15 minutes from Civil Homes.     We stopped at Higher Ground for coffee and to drop off clothing donations.    I bought a few knitted flowers from their craft/sales area.   Anabel and Missy made eggs for brunch.  I made guacamole and ranch dressing to dip veggies in.  I worked on movie making with i heart memory clips.  For supper  we had momos from The Porch and popcorn.  Denny spent Saturday in Kiron at a car show and visiting with Kiron people.  Anabel wearing OXY gear and brothers spending time together. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Saturday in Nepal

Nice slow morning with a phone call to Denny who had stopped for the day.   I "helped " Missy sort and discard some of her clothes.  I showered and went to weight room with Anabel.  Missy had plants that she wanted in KISC.  I repotted some.  On the way to KISC we stopped at the office area that Phillip is renting with Kristi's husband Jason.   

Hurrah Pickleball!!!

 4 Jensens were around the table this am for devo before we went to school.  I had visited with Denny this am and he was chilling in the sunroom.  At school I appreciated the 20 minute morning assembly.  I spent most of the day categorizing books.  Uffda!! I think I got all the totes done.  I hope it helps some... have to wait and see.  After school Mr lJosie, Mr Bitte, Mrs Kohl and I played for about an hour until the monson started.  A nice warm heavy rain.  I carried 2 items of skim milk, a container of Greek yogurt, 2 pickleball paddles, my laptop and assorted clipboard in my back pack and when I got home my back hurt.  Missy was visited with Kristi and so II just waited in my bed room.  It was good to play.  I'm glad Jensens are here.  I'm hoping for good visits with them.  Lord, guide my thoughts and motives.  

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

I didn't swim at After school

I stopped at Create and picked up the cup I had left there a couple days ago.  They filled it up, I paid,  and I was off to school.  I rearranged my meeting with the 3 first graders and listened to the speeches of the 2 candidates for student counsel.  Anabel had thought I might like to listen.  I spent the rest of the day finishing up adding to the computer list.   I rode on the bus with people and walked to the pool.  After the 9 secondary student swam they let me off at the intersection to Civil Homes.  Jensens got home about 1 am.   Good to have them here.  

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Rain at KISC

 Up to hear Anabel go out and run.   When she got done it started to pour.  Denny cleaned the motorcycle trailer and filled it with all things motorcycle to store in a clean place all together.  He also harvest produce from the garden.  I walked in the rain to school and met with 3 little first graders at 8.  Two swim classes. 


It was raining and so I got to use my umbrella when I walked to school.   Jean had her surgery today.  The doctors said it went well.  She is staying in the hospital overnight.  I helped at school.  After school Anabel and I worked out.  Supper was chicken onions, noodles, I had leftover pizza.  Tomorrow is a local holiday and so school gets out at 2:20.  I made a couple collages for Denny, not sure is they are what he was thinking.

Monday, August 19, 2024


 Anabel ran this morning.  I had a call with Denny and Luke.  At school I helped3 groups of SS and then sorted, recorded and alphabetized.  After lunch I went with the 4th graders to the pool.  I stopped at the fabric shop on the way home and the Sari I liked is gone.  Anabel and I went to the weight room.  Good supper and chill for the rest of the night.  

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Happy 51 years!!!!

Church, House 5, Rest         I gave Denny a call.  We were both lying in bed and it was good to visit.  It is our anniversary.  I will have to wait until after 7 pm to call and wish him a happy anniversary.  We left about 9:30 to take a taxi to church.  We sat in front of Nerida.  After church taxi to House 5 where we were starving and loved the food.   Then we walked and paid the charge at New Creations from last Sunday when we ran out of cash and the credit card didn't work.  We were let off by the taxi at Sales berry and got eggs, cheese, chia seeds, oatmeal and then at the veggie stand where we got apples, tomatoes, onions,  Then we rested.  aaaahhhh.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Chill Saturday

 Great to just lay in bed and talk to Denny at 7am  my time and 7 pm his time.  He was tuckered after a day of checking off things on his to do list.  About 9 Anabel and I went to the weight room in the community building.  I ha da sweet call from Missy there.  The were headed back to Stephen and Kari's place.  I went to The Porch for coffee afterwards.  Pretty flowers on the way home.  The rest of the day I did "really important" things.  Skimmed over 7 days worth on the Kathmandu daily paper, ACTUALLY solved 2 sadukos, Made a pic art collage, made guacamole, and listened to Christian music.  AND picked some more avocados and put them in a bag with an apple to ripen.  I think it takes about 7-10 days.  Well, worth the effort of picking them.  Anabel got all her homework done!!! Hip Hip Hurrah!!!!

Friday, August 16, 2024

Fourth Grade

I started the morning with a nice call from Denny.  He is busy cleaning the spaces.  I got a text asking if I could help with the 4th grade class, their teacher was under the weather.  YUP  It was a good day.  Nice students  After school Autumn and I sent up 7 flights of steps and hdFrench Frriec and mint lemonade and visited for and hour and a half.  So nice.  I ordered pasteurized milk and brought it home.  It was so beautiful out I went to the 33rd floor and enjoyed the hammock and clean air and sky above.  Anabel, Kimberly and Charie made cookies to take to school Monday.  Anabel came and visited in my room after the girls left.  So nice.  Thank you, Jesus for my time here.