Monday, August 12, 2024


I had nice visits with Denny and Missy this morning.  They are having hamburgers and Kale Sunday night.  I went to school about 7:30 to set up the ESL room for the 3 first graders that I work with.  I also worked with a couple of 5th graders and alphabetized some level reading books.  In the ESL room I taped some Christmas I Memories.  Becky, wife of David (kindergarten) is helping with ESL I think 3 mornings a week for the whole year.   After lunch I went with the 4th graders to the pool.  There were 12 students and 4 adults.  At home I rested.  When Anabel got home we went to the weight room in the community building.  Thank you Jesus the ATM machine worked and we got rupees.  Matt called me on his way to meet a guy for coffee.  It was great to visit with him.  Anabel and I got groceries to make chicken tacos with roti bread.  Good day.  But saddened by Hudson's going to be with Jesus.  Lord, be with the faimily and their great loss.  

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