Friday, August 16, 2024

Fourth Grade

I started the morning with a nice call from Denny.  He is busy cleaning the spaces.  I got a text asking if I could help with the 4th grade class, their teacher was under the weather.  YUP  It was a good day.  Nice students  After school Autumn and I sent up 7 flights of steps and hdFrench Frriec and mint lemonade and visited for and hour and a half.  So nice.  I ordered pasteurized milk and brought it home.  It was so beautiful out I went to the 33rd floor and enjoyed the hammock and clean air and sky above.  Anabel, Kimberly and Charie made cookies to take to school Monday.  Anabel came and visited in my room after the girls left.  So nice.  Thank you, Jesus for my time here.   

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