Friday, August 9, 2024

Restaurant 7 flights up!!

Up for call to Denny and devo, and on the way to KISC I stopped at a restaurant 7 flights up to see what it was like.  It looked good.  At KISC I gave spelling tests, sorted books on the shelves in Missy's office, talked to Support staff, and covered books for a teacher.  There was once in a quarter momos for lunch, In the after noon I asked Ginghe to join me up 7 flights.  It was a fun time visiting and getting acquainted.  At home Anabel and I fixed noodles for supper, and took a call from Missy and Phillip.  Jenny texted to say the night was successful, but the wind was hard to work with.   Late Saturday Jeeny sent a long text filling me in on how it went.  

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