Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Swim then Pizza

I had a wonderful phone call with my husband this morning.   It was night there, but He was still in bed at 9:30 the morning before.  Uffda!! What a life of leisure.  I was at KISC by 8 to help with Student support and alphabetizing and recording.  After school I helped with the secondary swim group.  Anabel ordered the pizza and was here to put it in the warming oven.  CoraLyn and Williamsons came for pizza.  Nice night.  Torren's football team had a mom night.  SOOO cooL!!!   

This came of Facebook ... Pretty appropriate.  Lord, be with parents who have first time Freshmen in college.      “There comes a time - many times, actually - in the lives of our children where we have to put the basket in the water. We have to let go and trust the plan of the Father. The world is a scary place - a place where we fear our children could drown. But we must remember that we have to let go so that God can draw them from the waters for His great purpose. He has called us to be their parents, but they were His first.         My friend, whatever water you may be getting ready to put your basket into - remember that you have to put them in the water for God to draw them out and place them into His perfect plan. Though you might not be physically present with your child as much during the next phase of life, you can always petition the heart of the Father on their behalf.” 

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