Sunday, August 11, 2024

Church and experiences

 I was up and talked to Denny for a while.  Devo outside.  It rained last night, pretty steady.  At 9 Anabel had a phone call to get set up for online math.  We got a taxi to take us to the big tree by the church that we walked to for the 10 o'clock service.  Nice service then we got a taxi to take us to the dermatologist. They wouldn't take the visa card so it was a good thing that Autumn had given us 1800 at church.  We walked to New Creation and Anabel got the dipnails taken off.  The card machine didn't work and so the kind Christian receptionist said we could come back and pay her the 1100 next week.  Uffda!!  We had planned to eat at a really sweet place, but before we ordered we checked to see if the card machine worked there.  NOPE!!! We had 675 ... the taxi cost us 600 to get back to Civil homes.  Thank you Jesus.  So we came home with 75 rupees.  Uffda!! Lord, help me get some help to get rupees from ATM machine.  At home Anabel went up to change.  I stirred onions, carrots, and caul and started to fix noodles.  So we ate well, even tho it was we thought would happen.  It's all good.  I showed her a couple movie clips and then she went up to her time alone.  Gail and Brads are in Madison.  Anabel and I were grocery shopping when we had a sister call.  Oh, my, it is raining again.  I wonder what swimming will be like tomorrow.  The pools may be flooded..  


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