SOON TO BE FIVE!! JOIN US IN PRAYER FOR THE SAFE ARRIVAL OF THE NEWEST JOHNSON JUNE 28. Coffee at folks- home to work on classes. Missy came down and we now have 18 of 30 lesson plans done using reading comprehension strategies. UFFTA Still lots to do for the classes. I'll just keep plugging away. I read in coop, then at 5 went into town. I swam 25 laps at the pool. OABCIG softball team played Westwood in Battle Creek. It was a good game to watch with Jensens and Chris S. They didn't play the best, but got the win with a quick double play in the 7th inning. The other team had 2 on and 1 out when the catcher got the batter out and caught the runner off third. I have a strange swelling in my mouth, I'll have to check it on Monday when the dentist office opens. Denny had 3 skunks cornered, but no one to go get him the gun. He thinks they may be living under the deck ... NOW that's an AWEFUL thought. HE set a live trap. Good Luck Denny!!!
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