Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wednesday June 1

I went in to the hospital about 6 am and stayed until almost 8. Then to Mom's for coffee. Then home until 9 when we loaded up the kids and took Evan to Arthur for a home school art class. Mandy went to the hospital to say goodbye to Howard. About 10:30 Mandy, Missy, Anabel, Brooks and I went to Omaha thrifting. Great day. Lots of $1 dollar deals. We took at pretty drink break at a Mexican restaurant. Then we took Mandy to the airport after a quick stop at Trader Joes. Of course. I was concerned that Mandy might miss her flight. She wasn't concerned ... a 7:45 flight ... on a Wednesday night ... in Omaha. She called when we were in Missouri Valley. We thought she might beat us home. We got home about 8:30 and showed Denny all the goods.

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