Coffee at folks, Haircut at 8:30. Prairie Peddler, Stopped at church for home school art class. Home to finish scanning second text book for class that starts Monday, Mowed the lawn, Got program of study and application ready for Administrative decision teaching license renewal. Went to town, Stopped at school, stopped at hospital, short nap, then to Sue G.'s and to SC. for a night at Cornerstone with Lisa W. (from Facts of Life). So nice to spend time with Susan. Kim W. bought our tickets. What a nice home school mom. I saw 4 home school families. Our lives have been like ships passing in the night... and you know that is not a good communicating relationship. Jensens ate supper at North 40. where we p
ut the camper ... and they made a retreat out of the area. Anabel drove to the hospital today. I think this is the first time she has driven in over a year. Howard is getting stronger. He walked the halls today. On the way down he had to stop 4 times. Then next time he had to stop only 2 times.
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