Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wednesday June 8

Ran 4.5 Watched Missy's kids while she ran and I had devotions. Coffee at folks with Little Anabel. Sped law til 10, 10 - 12:30 with Howard. He came with occupational therapist and Linda to do a trial run at home. Need to see what changes need to be made for success at home. Howard was not happy with gal because she called him Mr. Stubborn. Short nap. Sped Law 1 to 4. Swimming lessons with Missy and Grands. I swam laps for 30 minutes, then Missy swam laps for 30 minutes. Visited GGpa in hospital. I got home about 6:50 just in time to go to church with Denny. After church I worked on 324. UFFTA Lots to do.

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