Coffee at folks. The guy finished the shower over at the folks, looks great except for finishing boards. They used it this am. It works. I have no idea what I did on this day. I'm sure worked on classes a LOT! It was rainy, but cleared off. Denny came home at noon for the motorcycle. Ride to Elk Horn. I didn't go. Just didn't want to ride that long or eat that much, plus I had work to do on class. I did take a break and go swimming from 6:15- 7pm. 26 laps, Pretty slow , but steady. I'm pretty tickled with my wisteria flowers this spring. Two years ago I had one. Last year there were three. This year I took 20 for vases at the widow's luncheon, and still there were 20+ on the vine. Next year WATCH OUT!! Denny had an idea to put some hog wire panels on the eagle's nest so the wisteria has a place to vine to. Just may try that. Sounds like a good idea.
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