Saturday, June 25, 2011

Thursday June 23

Coffee at folks. The guy finished the shower over at the folks, looks great except for finishing boards. They used it this am. It works. I have no idea what I did on this day. I'm sure worked on classes a LOT! It was rainy, but cleared off. Denny came home at noon for the motorcycle. Ride to Elk Horn. I didn't go. Just didn't want to ride that long or eat that much, plus I had work to do on class. I did take a break and go swimming from 6:15- 7pm. 26 laps, Pretty slow , but steady. I'm pretty tickled with my wisteria flowers this spring. Two years ago I had one. Last year there were three. This year I took 20 for vases at the widow's luncheon, and still there were 20+ on the vine. Next year WATCH OUT!! Denny had an idea to put some hog wire panels on the eagle's nest so the wisteria has a place to vine to. Just may try that. Sounds like a good idea.

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