Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thursday June 2

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAIL!! I kept a picture of Texas with the sisters on my desk at school. When ever I need a reason to be thankful for and love my job... I was looking at it. I have read 219 out of 275 pages for one of my text books today. Hope I can get done tonight and start the next text book tomorrow. Coffee at the folks, then I took Anabel in at 9:30 and ran some errands. AT home I read, About 1:30 I watched the Grands while Missy and Phillip brought GGny home to pay the house cleaner and then to the cemeteries to pick up flowers. Then I read most of the afternoon. Denny is out riding the bike with Missy, I'm headed out to plant flowers.Grandmother Gail.

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