Saturday, February 28, 2015

Love being with my husband

I stayed in bed working on my computer. About 9 I got up. Red cardinals were out the front window all day, flying into the reflection of themselves to protect their territory. Grands came over while Jensens moved pigs. We had grapes and cappuccino that Mandy and I had leftover from yesterday. I read up to page 100 to them. We looked up pictures of cockroaches and the Motilones in Venezuela. Denny paid some bills, Then to cleaning the toys in the basement. We got rid of a few and organized some. Missy shoveled the sidewalk before she came in to use the computer. Kids helped clean. Evan helped clean the shower. A&B ran the vacuum. After they headed home with a couple guns that they can keep, Denny continued to clean. He took tape off the fan in sunroom and cleaned the blades. I took a nap and worked on school work. Evan and Phillip gave me a look at the germination house in the walk in cooler. Denny made supper and we ate a super sweet meal about 6:30. Swiss and mushroom brats, grilled onions and sweet corn. Then he had picked out a couple movies for us to watch. Tiger Eyes and ?? that we fell asleep during. I am so pampered. Thank you Jesus for my husband. Pictures of Grands having treats while listening to Brucho, the birds at the bird feeder,

Friday, February 27, 2015

Got my Mandy fix

Off to school in pretty good time. Several students on my roster were gone today. Lord, please help their attendance. Independent living fixed pancakes, bacon and orange Julius. After lunch I texted Mandy to see if we could have a quick meet in the booming town of Holstein. She and cooks were going to a school fundraiser at 5:30, but she took time to come out to meet me for a quick 30 minute visit. We met at Tifentallers. I got some seasoned pork loin and she got some brats. Then we went to Pronto to visit. She brought me some clear, super strength nail polish. We shared a cappuccino and some fresh pineapple. I told her that Mary my haircutter had asked how often I see Mandy. I said about once a month, or so. Mary asked if during the summer we would meet twice a week, I said no, but it got me to thinking. I could try to have a quick visit at least every other week, just to keep in touch. So I was so happy when it worked for her to have a quick visit today. I came home and then at 6:30 I headed to Arthur. Homeschool Variety show. Then to IG Pops concert. Then back to Arthur to visit during refreshments, then home to my husband.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Didn't make it to the rec center

Up pretty early to read in bed. Visited with Denny as he got ready for work. At school a student's knee gave out and I helped her to the car after her mom came to get her. Planned to make pancakes, bacon and orange julius tomorrow. The African violet looks pretty poorly. I think it got too cold sitting by my window. FFA made burgers for lunch. By C lunch when I ate, most of buns were gone and I ate mine without a bun. Still tasted good. I read with a student during success. I worked on class plans for the next 2 weeks. At home Denny and I chilled in the sunroom. We really like the two blue swivel chairs. To bed by 8:30. Don't know why we are so tired. ? Cute Pictures I found on Face book of Lindgrens.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Happy birthday to me

Slow starting am. Nice text from Matt Wishing me a Happy Birthday and Becky. I loaded up cinnamon rolls and fresh fruit to take to teachers' lounge. Staff really enjoyed them. I am amazed by the gift givers in the resource room. Lindor chocolates from Susan, Pretty wind chime from Melanie, Cute wooden carrier from Sharon, African violet from Lynzie, Neat outdoor saying and bird feeder from Shari and Nicole. Uffta!! I am not so used to receiving gifts. Humbling. It started to snow about 9:00 and at 11 they had an early out. Nice birthday present for me. As long as everyone gets home okay. Missy invited us over for hamburgers for supper. Mandy called after I got home. When I got home, I ate an avocado and some left over pizza and went to bed with some chocolate and read some more of the Last of the Mohicans. Great afternoon. Jensens came over and topped the fruit pizza with fruit. Missy and Evan printed pictures for the invent a thon. At 6 we had a great meal at Jensens. Sweet corn, pesto, spinach, caramelized onions, potato wedges, Kale chips and swiss chard bites. My mom always used to corn on the cob for my birthday. Missy fixed it for me. Love both of them so much. Matt called during clean up time. Denny laughed abouto how I have phone calls and he ends up cleaning up. At home we watched TV. Luke called. It was great to visit with him.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


I like to read in bed. Then to school by 7:30. Several students absent. After school I headed to Wall Lake to get some curls. Denny gave me a really nice 30 minute backrub for my birthday (tomorrow). He used the oil from Trendu that he put in Christmas stockings this year. Such a great husband!! Missy called and she is getting Chinese after her meeting in Storm Lake and bringing it to church before Awana. Pictures : Beautiful Sun dog on the way to school Brooks and Tori 5 and 5 months

Monday, February 23, 2015

Day went well

Had Grands that spent the night. I read in bed until 6 ish then went down to shower in the basement so I didn't get the kids up. I was all ready by 6:30 when they got up. Denny shared his 3 get up songs with them. "Wake up Little Susie, Wake up! Duke of Earl and Wipeout. I read to them Brucho after they were all ready to go. At school meeting with Mr. Miller went fine. First hour and before school make up students weren't there. Denny had stress x ray taken on ankle. The scope was cancelled and surgery for Knee replacement is scheduled for knee replacement is on for March 18. I switched sub days around. After school I looked at fruit at IG then headed to get some fruit for Wednesday in Denison. Then home to fix homemade pizza. To bed at 8.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Overnighter for Grands

We got an early start for Sunday. Donuts before SS. Makala was visiting church with Dakota. After church we had meatballs and teriyaki sauce, Wasn't so good. We cleaned I headed to IG to get Praire Whole shirt for Missy's presentation at Midwest tomorrow. I went to Awana Quizzing for about an hour then stopped down for game night in Johnson Hall. Anabel called to see if they would eat supper with us or at their home. Nancy said I could have some of their Chicken noodle soup. The Grands are spending the night because Jensens have to be in IG by 6:30. Denny will take the kids to school about 7:30.6:30. Denny will take the kids to school about 7:30. Pictures of Sichs.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Swiss Chard bites

Yup that is what I was doing this am.  Missy and Phillip are having samples of veggies at presentations they are giving Monday to 170 Midwest employees.  I also make 5 dozen cinnamon rolls and washed some loads of clothes. Pictures of Missy and one of four pans of swiss chard bites (about 250 bites). Also facebook pictures of Kane, and Hendersons.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday ... errands

Read in bed until 6.  Nice.  Denny had a meeting and left around 6:30, so I got to school early and ran off some copies of learning packets.   I helped with the speech of no bake cookies.  PE started to play pickle ball.  After school I made a quick trip to Dose. Then home and Missy and I headed to HY Vee in Denison. She got veggies for taste test they are doing at Gomaco Monday morning for 170 employees as a sample of the CSA. At home Denny had fixed chicken stir fry. Nice to talk with him after his work and my day.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Missed trip to Job Corp

Regular day at school. I stayed late to make lesson plans for the next two weeks. I like to do that on Thursdays. Some went to see Job Corp. Ind living fixed fried hamburgers, French fries, orange slices and pudding. At night Denny fixed a good supper. Pictures Luke and Karen's wedding

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Happy Anniversary Luke and Karen!!!

Congrats!! Luke and Karen. We are so thankful for you!! May God continue to bless your marriage It was COLD this am. I made Veggie dip for PD and cream cheese challenge. There was a pep rally and almost half of the student body was recognized for partipation in sports, quiz bowl, robotice, Pretty good. After school I made aquick trip to the grocery store. I had an IEP over the phone for student in 13th year. Denny met with Jensens at the bank. Lord grant us wisdom. First night back at Awana since December 3... Good to be back at Awana.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Kingsley BB game

Denny had to go back to work again today.  Alan J called and left a message last night.  More to pray about.  A student did not come in to make up absents today.  We did not have PLC today.  First day of success for me.  Last week we had no success, yesterday we had chat time with Cathy.  I had a dentist appointment after school.  Denny had a lot to do at bank today.  Brad stopped in.  Denny stopped to visit with Jensens on the way home.  Missy took Jeep to school and they put in a new radiator fan.  I came home and we grabbed a quick sandwich and headed to Kingsley to watch Addison play BB.  It was fun.  They won 61-32.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Another full day

Denny had today off for President's day.  I left for school at 7:20.  I met with a student at 7:45 to make up absences.   Cathy met with us at 3:00.  Denny got a lot done at home.  He put a light in the cold closet, vacuumed up lint off the blanket in our bedroom, and did book work. WOW!!   He didn't get the truck started.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

I like Sunday afternoon naps

Missy watched Jacob and Sebastian last night.  It was the S. fifth anniversary.  I sent pork chops, ramen noodle salad and potatoes to grill for them.  Stephanie and Maddie were not feeling the best.  We took the 5 little ones for donuts.  Pretty fun.  After church we had Susan, Gordon, Pat and Jon over for lunch.  Teifentalers seasoned pork roast was really good.  It was so nice to just sit and visit in the sun room.  Nice friends.  Then time for naps.  Sundays are such fun times. Denny went to prayer tonight. I stayed and worked on school work.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Nice Valentine's Day

I went over to Jensen's to watch kids while Missy went into town and walked with Ranae.  We had breakfast cereal there and I read to them the book, Bruchau.  Then we came to our house and fixed donuts.  Anabel helped make meatballs and I worked all morning on making food.  Denny vacuumed and I fixed corn casserole, sliced potatoes and carrots to grill, marinated chops, cherry dessert, ramen noodles salad,   I got more potatoes to make party potatoes from Missy,  Denny swept out the garage.  Darn Keelie always poops in the garage.  It really makes it stink.  We picked up Danielle about 2:30. then to Laura's, then to Carroll.  After the show the pickup would not start.  Finally it turned over.  We shopped at Hyvee for Laura and then home.  It was almost too cold to grill, but it helped to put a full propane tank on.  It was nice visiting and laughing with them. We took the jeep to take them home.  Nice night.  The movie was sobering.   It brought close to home the sacrifices our service men and women make.    Mandy texted us a picture of Piper growing up right before our eyes.

Friday, February 13, 2015

It's Friday

I put the picture of the chocolate labs near a basket of chocolates for the students and wished them Happy Valentine's Day.  During 8th hour a student and I worked on Health.  After school I worked until 5:15 and then headed to the rec center.  I swam about a quarter mile, then Denny came and we walked a quarter mile. We sat in the hot tub.  Missy came with the Grands and we watched them swim before heading home.  Phillip is at the La Bree conference.  Missy invited us over and we visited.  It was really nice to catch up with their lives.   Luke sent us this picture of his new night running jacket.  I said it looked great, because it would hopefully keep him safe while he is running.  He texted me back and said that is what his wife said too.  Denny called Laura and Danielle to invite them to go to American Sniper with us on Saturday.  We will go the the 4:00 show and then to our place and grill pork chops.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Another day :)

I woke up and read in bed until 6:15. The students made egg buritos and hot cocoa for Ind. Living.   After school I gave each of the resource ladies choice of a little purse or a bottle of vanilla from Texas.  I printed off this picture to take to school on Friday.  I stayed kinda late at school to plan for next couple weeks.  At home Denny had made some good eggs, vegetables, cheese and sausage.  We watched Longmire before getting to sleep.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Awana skating

Read in bed until 6:15. Off to school at 715. Iowa Assessments until 9:15. Lots of shortened classes. PD at 2 and Cathy did a great job. She had a speaker who is on the spectrum and then she talked about the IEP.  Worked at school until 6:15. Got groceries and then to the Awana skating party. What a great crowd was there. 133 paid skaters and lots of parents and families to watch.  Nice day.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Motorcycle night Home school

Read in bed until 6:10.  Iowa Assessments all week for first hour.  After school I worked until 5:30, then there was a  motorcycle meeting at 5:30.  We met at the library and then went out  to eat at the bowling alley.  Homeschool at 7 in library.  I stayed or about half an hour and then headed home.


Monday, February 9, 2015

first day back at school

Devotions in bed until 6.  Out the door about 7:15.  The first day back went well.  There was the usual excitement,/activity.  Susan and Kari gave me a great big welcome back hug.  Iowa Assessments are first thing in the mornings this week. I stayed working at school until about 5:30, then home for scrambled eggs. Denny had a knee appointment.  The doctor scheduled a scope for March 2.  Denny was ready to have a knee replacement so that was discouraging for him.  Also he got news that when an employee leaves, they are having to see if she will be replaced. After supper Denny watched his phone and I worked on Ind. Living typing of a test.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Lunch after church

I read in bed and did devotions.  Brooks called and reminded us to call when we left to get donuts.  After church Larry and Joann, and Rita and Mike came for lunch.  We had pork roast, party potatoes, cheesy corn, brocolli salad, Grands, and cherry dessert. We visited and I took a short nap afterwards.  I forgot to take a picture.  We went to prayer time, then to bed for a big week next week returning to work.  Pictures are of Mandy surprising Anabel on her birthday.  What a happy pair.  Missy's American Doll cake turned out great.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Appliance repair day

I was in bed until 6:40, Denny until 8:30.  Relaxing start.  Denny put a new faucet on the kitchen sink.  Yesterday when he hooked up the portable dishwasher the faucet sprung a sizeable leak.  Next he started on washer water leak and dryer clean out the lint and look at the thermostat.  Mandy texted to say that Keith's surprise party was great!!  I said it makes me sad when I can't do everything. Denny and I cleaned the house in the afternoon. I did the tiles/dusting/bathrooms. He did the floors. I tried to put some soft daffodil bulbs in some durt and pots. I don't think they will grow, but AI am glad that I could try. I had gotten them in November. Pictures of Birthday party.

Friday, February 6, 2015

DM visit, Anabel's (and her friends) birthday party

Up to visit with Jean's and then headed to DM about 7. I met with Kevin at the office near the airport. Then I drove to Dave and Mary Jo's. I planned to take Mary Jo out for coffee. Because of the possibility of transmitting germs to Matt I planned just run in and get Mary Jo, so I left the car running. Uffta!! When I came out pink fluid was on the snow. I was stressed. Dave worked the miracle and went to Wal Mart and put in more radiator fluid. Mary Jo and I visited. Then when Dave got it filled we took Mary Jo's car to Best Buy. ( I had killed the printer when I put in a new cartridge this morning. Uffta!! I wanted to print up some things for school.) When we got back from BB I headed home. I had to make stops in Carroll at Penneys and Slumberland to get the replacements for the damaged living room print. Then to Anabel's birthday party. She had 3 little girls, Emmaleigh, Lizzy,Anabel and Sophi ... Elsa..the heroine of Frozen. It was much fun. They played outside, had a tea party with American Girl dolls, played with balloons, ate super tacos, had birthday cake and ice cream and watched the Isabell movie. We went home about 8:30. Good to be home safe and sound. I am so thankful forDave helping me out when my car went bad.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Study at Sue's and off to DM

Light on a 5.  I like working in bed until 6 on reading and writing and computer.  I wonder if it will continue when I go back to work.   Darn Keelie poops in the garage.  2 piles I had to take out this am.  I got a lot done this am.  Wrote check to St. Lukes.  Wrote on anniversary squares for Cooks. Mailed a survey in.  Looked at IPERS stuff.  Got winter travel bag from the bunk house.  Phoned Jean to spend the night there.  I met Denny at church for lunch.  I phoned Beckman motors to order a fan for the Jeep's radiator.  When I had the oil change yesterday the service department said it was broken and not working. Then to Doses where I fell on the sidewalk in front of their place. Then to Sue's for Bible study.  It was really good to meet with them.  I left for DM at 3:45 and got to Indianola about 6:30.  Jean bought me a taco salad to eat.  Nice and relaxing just to hang out with them and watch TV.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Jeep service

Happy Birthday Anabel!! Her party is later this week!! Morgan's account is SpoolGoods on Etsy a red denim woman's cosmetic bag. What fun!!  She gave us a certificate yesterday.  I stayed in bed looking at IPerS information until after Denny left for work.  I showered before heading to see the newest neighbor Alma D B Fun time with Reed, He is a charger.  And baby is a sweetie.  Left there and called Beckman's to get the Jeep in for an oil change, rotate tires.  Took 3 Kids to my house to make sugar donuts, read Boxcar, and take baths.  Then to school. Met with Donna and Lynzie, then Lorraine from 4-5:30.  I got 108 cans of veg.for 3/$1.  We should be stocked up for a while. Today Mandy was headed down to Omaha.  In am her computer didn't work and her car didn't start and she had a list a mile long to do for class before heading to Omaha. She texted while I was at Janices and we prayed then.  Tonight at Awana the two brothers that had been in the paper were there.  Thank you,  Jesus, we get to share your love with them.  Phillip talked with their mom.